Mindfulness in process
/Mindfulness- I am being mindful right here, right now as I type this.
Mindful listening- sounds I hear include the water from the pump on the fish tank, puppy nails clicking on the hardwood floor, the click clack of the keyboard, a bark from the back of the house, the fan clicking on. I hear a crunch when I take a bite of the dry cereal I am munching on.
Mindful feeling- I feel the keyboard on my fingertips and wrists as I type, I am aware of the weight of the boot and wrap on my left foot that is injured, the feel of the leather couch on my back and legs, the feel of my good leg wrapped under a soft blanket, the cool water when I take a drink and the slight sticky feel of the cereal as I pick it up.
Mindful seeing-I look around and see the TV, the furniture, a few pups, my set up that is surround me including my computer, my book, my headphone, my phone, a coffee cup, the door and the darkness outside. My walker that is my best friend in getting around right now. A dollhouse, a bookshelf filled with books and other odds and ends.
Mindfulness- being here and now and being aware. It doesn’t have to be good or bad, it just is.
Take away tip- what do you hear, see and feel? How is the experience of noticing and observing, make notes in your journal if you are keeping one? I invite you to try this simple practice throughout your day and see what kind of difference it makes in your life.