R.E.A.L. Self-Care
/R.E.A.L. Self-Care
If you read my blog or know me at all then you probably know that I am a big advocate of meditating. I try to practice what I preach so I meditate. More importantly, I try to listen to what comes up when I do meditate. A day or two ago I kept getting a phrase “radical self-care”. It came up several times during my sitting meditation and the rest of the day it was stuck in my mind. Ok universe- I am paying attention and it is apparent that I need to do something with this radical self-care idea.
Listen to the Universe when it talks to you
As I considered the topic I kept coming back to the thought that perhaps I had heard it somewhere else. I certainly do not want to take credit for someone else’s idea, phrase etc. It just so happened that I was at home due to snow and ice so I spend a good deal of the day researching and looking for a person(s) who may have coined this phrase to find out more about it. I was unable to find a particular person, place or thing that was directly associated with this so I decided to follow where I was led in my meditation and create some work around this concept. I am going to start with a blog series and see where it goes. I am also going to spice up the title a bit as you will see later! Let’s start this out with a definition of self-care.
What is self-care?
Self-care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health, prevent and deal with illness.
Self-care by the World Health Organization
It is a broad concept encompassing:
• hygiene (general and personal)
• nutrition (type and quality of food eaten)
• lifestyle (sporting activities, leisure etc.)
• environmental factors (living conditions, social habits, etc.)
• socioeconomic factors (income level, cultural beliefs, etc.)
• self-medication
My first initial thoughts on what radical self-care is;
8-9 hours of sleep a night
Eating only whole foods
Exercise daily
Daily yoga and mediation
Read daily
Time alone
Time outside in nature
Creative time
Free quality time with family
Putting my needs first (or way close to first)
Lots of hot nurturing tea
Essential oils
Ok, so the World Health Organization definition is indeed broad and varies widely. My initial thoughts are all fairly holistically focused. I wanted to know more about what others thought. I did a very unofficial survey using social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter). I got many repeating answers which I combined into the following;
Affordable and convenient diet high in whole grains, fresh fruit, and lean meat simply prepared including wonderful teas and Greek yogurt.
Just for fun I did another unofficial survey of private Facebook pages for psychotherapists or others in similar professions asking what they did for self-care daily. Love the responses I got and they will be in a post all their own. Even a variety of articles I read prioritized self-care check out number one, it can even be vital, and self compassion as defined by Kristen Neff certainly falls under self-care in my opinion.
So look for more on my new Radical, Essential, Amazing, Life changing self-care or R.E.A.L. Self-Care. I deserve it, don’t you?
Take away tip-what do you do daily for self-care? What would you do if time and money were not an issue? Have fun with the idea- go nuts- go big time and see what it would be like to nurture YOU.