Can you define trust?
Trust is something that is discussed all the time in therapy. Do you trust the people in your life? Do you trust your family? My favorite and what I feel is the most important is this. Do you trust yourself? Many, many times the answer is no. People often do not trust themselves. I see more women than men so it is my experience that occurs with women very frequently, just what I see.
Another question that I often ask in therapy is “what is trust”, can you define what that word means to you? There is no right or wrong answer, it is what you think it is. My personal definition is something like this. Trust means that I believe the person I trust will do what they say they will do, they will be there for me emotionally no matter what, person’s that I trust will keep their word to me and treat me with respect. There have been times in my life when those were not things that I did for myself. It has taken great effort and work to change this. It is work that is so worth it.
If your answer to trusting yourself is no, take a long look at it. There can be many reasons for mistrust of yourself and others. Maybe you have been betrayed, maybe you have not experienced unconditional love, those you love have not treated you fairly? If this is true then ask the same questions of how you have treated yourself. Do you show yourself unconditional love? Do you treat yourself fairly? Much of the time the answer is no. This you can change…you can’t change others…you can change you.
Let’s talk about trust. What are your thoughts?
Love and light,