More Courage (Part II)

More courage (Part II)

So let's pick up where we left off last time and talk about how to begin to
start being emotionally honest.  How to use courage and "tell your whole
heart."  Last time I asked you to just observe. Do not do anything
differently but observe how many times you say "I'm fine" when you are not,
when you agree to do something you do not want to do, when asked to make a
choice you say "whatever you want is fine". Observe this without judgment,
just notice, maybe even make a little note of every time it happens.

How many of you did this?  Really and honestly did this?  I would love to
hear what your results were and how they made you feel.  Were you surprised
or are you already living with emotional honesty and courage by “telling
your whole heart”.  If you are congratulations and please share your
tips on how you are able to achieve this!   For those of you who observed
you are not being emotionally honest, let’s look at some things you can do.
Look at your observations, do you see any pattern?  It is particular people
you are just existing with or everyone?   Are you closed off at work due to
fear of vulnerability surrounding your job?  What about with friends and family members?  Do you share your true thoughts and feelings with anyone?  Another thing to think
about is this…many times we have done so in the past and it didn’t turn out
well and we were hurt.  In order to protect ourselves we shut down.   Again,
I want you to ask yourself, “is this really living?”  It is important to be honest with yourself in your answer.

A few thoughts on ways you can learn to use courage by speaking your whole
heart.   The first place to start is with you.  Are you emotionally honest
with yourself?  Do you accept and understand how you feel?  Many people tell
themselves that everything is fine, they are happy and all is good. We pretend that we are happy
and that our lives are exactly what we want them to be because that is often easier than admitting we are not content.  Not admitting your true emotions, feelings, desires to yourself means that you don’t do anything to change this.  You continue living but are not living sincerely
and honestly.  Dishonesty, living against your beliefs creates anxiety,
fear, resentment, anger and distrust.  Distrust in ourselves as well as distrust in
others.    This is not how I want you to feel or live your life!  I want
better for myself and for you!

Take away tip.... Once again just observe. Do not do anything differently
but observe how many times you say "I'm fine" when you are not, when you
agree to do something you do not want to do, when asked to make a choice you
say "whatever you want is fine". Observe this without judgment, just
notice.  However this time make a note of each time this happens.  At the end of the day or as
it occurs jot down the emotions that you feel about your dishonesty to
yourself.  Are you treating yourself with the respect that you show
others?    Write down your emotional and physical reactions.  What emotion do you feel?  Worry, mad, sad, happy to have avoided conflict?  Physically do you feel tense, have a headache or is your stomach upset?  Do you feel good about yourself or do you wish you had been honest?

love and light