Is this the sign you have been looking for?

Some of you may have noticed I am blogging more frequently so let me talk a bit about why I am doing that.  I love to write, I can “talk”thinks out on paper, it often helps me process new goals and new creative things that I can take on and I like to hope that it can also help others along the way.  

Paying attention to the signs
It has been a goal of mine to blog daily or almost daily for quite some time but I didn’t put much effort into this happening.  I would “try to remember” or write when a topic jumped out at me but that is about as far as I took it.  I am really making efforts to be mindful, be aware and pay attention to the things that cross my path…writing keeps popping up.  People are asking me about writing, others are discussing their writing and so forth.  So I decided to listen to the universe and what it’s telling me and a 30 day blog challenge presented its self so here I am.  Blogging every day and I like it.  I have  few series going and that is fun and then I have the “let’s say what is on my mind posts” like today.

We have been talking about courage and mindfulness
One of the things that has been recurring in my life for as long as I recall is that when I think about something I want to do or want to create, I get a sense of urgency about it.  It isn’t a happy excited sense but more like an “oh my gosh I must do that right this instance” sense. It does not feel good.  What I am noticing and in mentioning this to other people I trust,  what I am learning is  that a sense of urgency about anything is coming from a place of fear.   A place of distrust that what you are meant to do and where you are meant to be will fail to unravel in its own time and its own way.  This isn’t true- it will happens as it should no matter how urgent or anxious I let myself be.  I am working to honor this.  I can’t force the universe to do anything but I can create plenty of feelings of resentment and rushed anticipation for myself and can drive the people around me a bit nuts with my urgency.   As I often ask others “does this serve me or anyone is a positive way”?  No, it does not so I am working to let it go.

My intention
I have mentioned before setting intentions for what you want.  We draw what we think about and setting daily intentions is a part of my morning routine (so important that it has earned a place in my REAL self-care program).  However, there are times when I think a general intention for a time in your life is needed as well.  My life is always changing, of course, as is yours but some big moves and such are going on right now.  In this time of change,  the feelings of urgency keep coming back,  so it is clear to me I need to set an intention for this time of my life. This time of transition and move to a new town and taking on new adventures needs an intention.  This intention is to release all urgency and anxious, recurring useless  thoughts  gently into the wind and watch them  float away like the seeds on a dandelion. .  Things will happen,  I won’t be homeless, I will work and it will all play out as it should.

How about you?
Are you tuned into listening to what you need to hear?  Are you paying attention to it.  If there is a phrase, a word, a person, an activity that continues to present itself notice it.  It’s there for a reason.  Honor it and see what you might do with it.  My doing that is making a huge difference in my life and I would love to see you have this transformation as well.  We certainly play a role in our own lives but there is a lovely sense of calm release when we can also tune into what we already know and learn to access it.  Everything you need, you already have, you just have to re-find it.  

Take away tip- what keeps presenting itself in your life?  A person, a thought, an activity, a book, theory or what ever else you keep crossing paths with.  Notice it, honor it and explore what you need to do with it.  I would be grateful if you would come back and share with me some of the insights you gain or some of the intentions you are setting based on what you find.

Love and light