Inner Goddess Talk


Can you think of a time when you received a strong intuition and did not trust it....what went through your head that convinced you to ignore your intuition? Generally we ignore it due to fear of what will happen. We don't want things to change so we don't do anything. These "things" often happen anyway despite our initially ignoring our inner wisdom? 

Inner Goddess talk
Let’s talk more about intuition or our “inner voice”.  How do you know when it is kicking in. Is there a particular area of your body that becomes agitated or tense when your intuition kicks into gear?  Intuition will always answer first. You just have to train yourself to hear it. As you get better at hearing your intuitive voice, you will be able to simply ask yourself questions and be ready for the intuitive first response.  Your intuition is the quickest part of your mind. It knows things that your conscious mind does not. It already has the answer to most important questions before you can finish asking it. The  trick is to listen to it.  The very first answer that pops into your head is your intuitive response. 

What else to pay attention to?
Notice non-verbal responses, such as emotions, physiological responses such as fear, nervousness, and anxiety.  This can often indicates this may be “core issue” that is of great importance.  So why don’t we listen to our inner voice?  When we do that means we will often have to confront something that is difficult to confront.  When the gentle voice in your head says something….the one that doesn’t seem to have any fears we need to listen.  Intuition is a gentle force. The voices of the conscious mind and friends are much more forceful and hard to ignore.  If you “know what to do” then you do it that often means that you won’t get what you want at that time.  

Unknown is scary but…
We all want instant gratification and if we respond to our inner voice that can mean that we don’t get what we want right away.  Haven’t we all stayed in a dysfunctional relationship a lot longer than we wanted to because we didn't want to be alone again. Was there a career opportunity that you passed on because you thought that you really weren't smart or talented enough to succeed? These choices are based on a fear reaction and not knowing.  The unknown is scary so we will stick with the easy and comfortable.