Almost Action Time

The talk
I have been going on about self-care and how important it is.  A majority of us spend plenty of time on others and taking care of them, kids, friends, spouses, families etc and we don’t think much of it but we have been programmed by society to feel that self-care is indulgent and selfish.  I listen to people a great deal and when people do provide themselves with excellent self-care we hear lots of talk that may not always be positive.  “Did you know she left her kids for the whole week to go to a retreat”?  “She gets a massage every week”.  Often these messages have an undertone that is more of “man- I am jealous” than “she is a bad person”.  However, there are those that find self-care indulgent.  So should this stop us from providing our bodies, mind and souls with the best care possible.  I would hope not,  there are always plenty of other people around to criticize what we do or don’t do. Ultimately, it does not matter what others say or think.  How you feel, how you take care of you and those around you is all that matters.

The plan
My belief is we all deserve to learn (or renew) how to identify what really matters to you, what values you most desire and learn to honor  and to apply that to making all life choices.  You will learn to take care of yourself so you can fully give to your family, friends, work, or other areas of your life.    Taking the time to  dig deep to see what is serving you and what is not serving your higher self.  Identify the values most important to you, those that  will allow you to make changes that will serve your higher good.  If you take some time to see what areas of your life are lacking self care and how to provide that vital care you will feel better and be better.  You will learn to respect your body internally and externally and will improve your health by eating better,  moving more, and honoring what your body needs and wants.  You will take a deep look at your environment and what is taking up valuable space and energy that needs to go and what needs to take priority.  You will find energy and find a renewed passion for life.  You will improve relationships because when you feel better relationships improve authentically and naturally.  You will learn how to go back to your top identified values and keep checking in with that.  Every choice you make you will learn check in with yourself to see if matches your values and serves you in a positive way.  You will be able to identify what you really want, how to ask for help and how to help yourself.   You will learn to live with intention.  Each day will be a new fresh start in which you can set an intention and come back to that throughout the day.  You will learn to be mindful and live in the moment instead of rushing through life without noticing the good stuff that is there.  You will remember that everything you need is within you already and renew ways of accessing what you need.  You will build a support system that nourishes you and you will learn creative outlets that bring you joy and freedom.  You will grow spiritually as you learn to listen to your own intuition, your higher self and what your higher power and the universe is telling you.  Once you feel the relief that REAL self care provides you will make the time to care for yourself the way you deserve.  


Don’t you deserve that?