Tips to improve relationships with others and yourself

Relationships-an emotional or other connection between people.   Connectedness or belonging - a state in which we feel wanted and accepted.  It is my belief that we all want and need these things.  We all want good, healthy relationships and that feeling of connectedness with others.  How many have had this thought…if so and so would just do this it would all be ok?  If people accepted me for who I was I would be happier/more satisfied with life etc.

Guess where this all starts?  Within you!  IF you do not accept yourself for who you are and what you are then other people will have a hard time accepting you.  So many of our core values or beliefs come from our family/friends/loved ones. We often simply accept what others tell us about the world, other people and ourselves.  We forget to stop and think about what we believe, what we think is important and who we are.

Can you define yourself?  Can you name some characteristics that describe you?   Work on this.  Define you…no one else can do this for you.   I find that this is always a “work in progress” with myself.  It changes based on my experiences and thoughts.  I am constantly defining myself and want you to do the same for yourself.

take away -  Work on your definition.