Life Lesson by Rumi-

25 life changing lessons everyone can learn from Rumi

Life lesson one

February 18, 2015 we had a super moon/black moon on the same day and my energy was buzzy all day.  I don’t know that buzzy is an actual word but being it is the only way to describe how I felt- I am making it one.  So it was buzzy day- a bit disconcerting but mainly a good sort of buzzy (FYI I don’t drink so don’t mistake it for being buzzed)!   That evening at around 8:30 or 9:00 I ran across a post with a Rumi article.  Well- I have to read that of course.  In case you are not familiar with him please read about who Rumi was.  Wow!  I got to number three of “25 life changing lessons everyone can learn from Rumi” and forced myself to stop.  It was apparent that this was going to be a life changing read for me and I wanted to savor it slowly and really live it.  My first thought was “blog series” so here we go with blog number one.

1-Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion

“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.” Rumi

We are all born with potential, worth and value.  Yes- I fully agree and so do many other authors, researchers, therapists, yogi’s, healers and teachers I know and trust.  Just last night I watched a self-esteem you tube video of Pia Mellody and in this video I loved the way she defined all aspects of self-esteem.  However, a few points really hit home she stated “self-esteem is a constant and you either have it or you don’t but you can get it if you don’t have it.  She states the differences in people never effect one’s inherent worth- they don’t make you more than or less than anyone else.  Self-esteem is based on the fact you are valuable because you exist -you came here with all the value you need and self-esteem is born from the thought that I matter just as I am”.  I wish everyone who has any doubt that they matter would write in red lipstick on your mirror “I matter, just as I am”.  In one of my latest posts I reference several other articles that agree that we are enough.  We already are, just as we are, enough.  We have wings- how can we learn to use them and fly.  Stop acting so small you are the universe in motion so live and dream and be big and know you are enough

“You sit here for days saying, this is strange business. You’re the strange business. You have the energy of the sun in you, but you keep knotting it up at the base of your spine. You’re some weird kind of gold that wants to stay melted in the furnace, so you won’t have to become coins.”   Rumi    

We do that, don’t we?  We sit around and talk and observe how odd life is.  I have asked that a number of times “isn’t life weird”?  I bet you have too.  Rumi here (in my interpretation) is saying that we have it all- we are the energy, we are of the sun and we can do and be anything we choose to be.  However, we go back to playing small.  We are taught sometimes to play small, be small- we are taught often by others opinions that we are not capable of doing the things we want to do.  We are stopped by fear- fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of not meeting others expectations.  So we allow fear to cause us hold on to all that amazing energy we have and stay small- why?  More important than why is what can we do about it?  Every day people succeed in big ways Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey and many more.  We can do it too- we have it within us.  Yes- you too, you have what you need.

“Why should I stay at the bottom of a well when a strong rope is in my hand?” Rumi

It is easy to get “stuck” and feel like we can’t move, or change jobs, or end relationships or any number of things we want to end or change in some way.  I found this article sums up really well why we often don’t make changes.  Once again- it comes back to fear.  Fear of the unknown, or what may happen or what others may think of us.  Let me share a personal ongoing story of my life- I do a great deal of things. I always have a new project, a new idea, new job option or something that I am in the process of working on, exploring or learning.  I love that about me!  I love to learn and do and be more.  I get a lot of “why are you doing that”?    I also get a great deal of “that is a great idea or I love the way you think outside the box”.  That is how I work- tell me I can’t do something and I will do my best to find a way to prove you wrong.  This can work to my own detriment at times but more often than not it rocks and I find ways to do things that seemed unlikely to be possible.  I get this as well “well- you are stronger than me, I couldn’t do that or you are just different”. Guess what people?  I am not different, I do not possess anything that others do not possess except that I make the choice to go after what I want and need. I take action, I grab the strong rope at the bottom of the well and pull myself up”!   You can too- I promise- no magic powers over here.

 “Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape.” Rumi

Become the sky- what is the sky?  Noun: sky; plural noun: skies the region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth. "Hundreds of stars shining in the sky".  

I like the way that sounds…hundreds of stars…I want to become a star in the sky.  I don’t need to be a famous movie star or other popular traditional type of star, but a star in the sky- that I would like.  How about you?  A shining star sounds like an amazing and awe inspiring experience.

 Escape from yourself- get out of your own way.  Every morning you wake up is another chance for you to do or to be something different. It may be expressing a new idea, developing a new approach, or simply creating another perspective.  You weren’t born knowing how to do everything you do now. You learned without the consideration of limitations.  Bam!  You stopped dreaming and planning and doing! And there lies the problem. Get out of your own way and be big, dream, imagine, accomplish!  Go after what you want!  It’s there for you to claim but you have to do it. 

 “Do you know what you are? You are a manuscript of a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that.” Rumi

 Take home tip- YOU take this last quote and write a manuscript of a divine letter to YOU!  You take the time in an act of radical self-care to write to you how amazing you are!  I would love it if you would share the entire letter or a part of it in the comments! 








“Do you know what you are? You are a manuscript of a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that.” Rumi