Where to start
/Happy day to you!
I am so glad you came back. I cannot express how excited I am about our journey. Where to start? I have so many things that need to be touched on and shared that it is a bit overwhelming (in a great way) to decide where to begin. This is a mental health blog for my therapy practice but it is so much more than that as well. It is my living and breathing intention in progress. My career as a mental health therapist has led me to places I never expected to be but so has my personal life and once again I am thrilled to combine the two. The interests that I have developed in my life fit perfectly into my therapy practice which makes sense as it is the place I am destined to be and destined to share.
So, let's get an overview to start with. In no particular order or rank the following topics draw me in and I find them perfect compliments to a full life and a holistic therapy practice. They also will, at some point or another, be a topic here on my blog. Mindfulness, yoga, meditation, essential oils for healing, chakras, positive energy and self talk, self care, teaching, body/mind/spirit techniques, the concept of holding trauma in our physical bodies and how to release that in order to heal. More you ask? Ok more- the necessity to let out your thoughts and feelings to avoid becomng toxic from the trauma and stress, setting intentions in life, connectedness to others, reading and numerous books I love and recommend, the importance of journaling, blogging or otherwise getting your thoughts in written form. Yes, in fact there is more, facing and defeating our own personal demons with mindfulness and meditation, mindful recovery from addictions, mindful everything, creating programs for people who want to learn to meditate and be mindful and more but that is a good start!
It is my intention to take each topic and share, educate and help you to incorporate it into your life. Please interact and comment, ask questions and get connected. Take what resonates with you, share it and get others involved. Let's spread the joy and love I want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me.
Until I get more input I will start with mindfulness and meditation. They are interconnected in so many ways. I am obsessed with both concepts. For me it is like the chicken and the egg; which came first? For me it is hard to say. The joyful part is that it doesn't matter because I have discovered them both. Now discovering and using are two different things. I want to teach and talk and discuss but most importantly give you all very tangible tips and ways to incorporate these into your daily life so that you discover the life changing impact that they have if you allow it. Allowing is oh so important in life, stop the resistance and allow the joy.
Next blog post will start with a basic Q and A about what mindfulness is. Please join me.
love and light