Afraid that others may discover you don’t know what you are doing?
/Ok so let’s see where to start. I have this promotion. It is fantastic, I feel like a fraud. I work and present, and nteract. I try to do it all. I feel like anyday now they will figure out that I don’t know what I am doing and I will get fired. I feel like a fraud, I do more to appear that I am doing less. How very ironic is that? I present myself as confident and as though I am capable and that I can handle and excel at this position. The echo that is in my head all the time is that I can’t do this and they will find out.
Does this sound familiar? Ever have days like this, hours like this, weeks like this? This is real stuff. You are not a fraud, you are real. It is all of us some days, isn’t it? We strive, we long, we create and try to be everything to every one and in the process we lose what is vital and most important.
This is a raw post to write because it is so real for so many. Which is why I think it is so important to address. It needs to be there – the real- the ick- the lack of self-compassion that creates the goo that we impose on ourselves. I practice self comapssion, time effeciency and do the things to get to the top. Sometimes we get caught up in life, we forget briefly. we get lost in the doing, in the activity, in the day to day. IIf you stop living with intention and stop the compassion and care and that negative voice creeps back in and starts whispering “you are a fraud” and if you let it, it will take over. Can you catch it- being aware? That is the key – learning the awareness and then making a choice to think a different thought, to treat yourself kindly, to show yourself the care you deserve. Can we practice living with intention and self-care and self-compassion it becomes second nature and then we wonder how we ever didn’t treat ourselves the way we deserve?